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2024 RT-130

This is not a self-learning class. if you want credit for this class register here

The intent of RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher, is to focus line-going personnel on operations and decision-making issues related to fireline safety in order to recognize and mitigate risk, maintain safe and effective practices, and reduce accidents and near misses.

To receive credit for course completion, students must complete an Instructor Led Training (ILT) session of RT-130 with qualified instructors who monitor the quality of the training. However, instructors may choose to facilitate most of the course content virtually, using an online platform (such as web meeting or webinar software, or similar forum).  This class is uses a Learning Management System (LMS) which requires group interaction and instructor oversight to allow students to complete lesson on their own time, but still be monitored.  Deployment of a practice fire shelter is required for completion.  



The following presentation is for Instructor Led Training.  Course completion credit will be given through authorized instructors after viewing in an instructor led presentation.  Students wishing to complete the online RT-130 training for course credit can find the Virtual RT-130 on the Wildland Learning Portal by registering on the Events page.



Incident Review
& Lessons Learned

Human Factors & Decision Making

Fire & Aviation Operational Safety

Fire Shelters & 
Entrapment Avoidance

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